Hargent Taxation successfully held an international seminar on the Impact of COVID-19 on Economy, Investment and International Taxation

Beijing Hargent Tax agent Office 2020-04-19

On the afternoon of April 9, 2020, Hargent Tax successfully held an online video新冠疫情對經濟、投資(zī)及國際稅收的影響國際研讨會(Webinar of Covid-19 and Its Implications on Economics, Investment and International tax),Tax experts from Mainland China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the European Union and the United Kingdom discussed and shared topics related to the new crown epidemic, and interacted with the participants.

All partners of Hargent Tax in Beijing, Hong Kong partners and heads of 37 branches nationwide, partners of Huazheng Tax's EU partner Valent & Partners and British partner Harbert Law Offices, from Renmin University of China, Nearly 60 people attended the seminar, including some finance and taxation scholars from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Central University of Finance and Economics, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as well as finance and taxation experts from some large enterprises in industries such as petroleum, electric power, construction engineering and the Internet.


The meeting was chaired by Dr. Wu,Xiaoqiang Dean of Hargent Research Institute, and Ms.Laura, a foreign lawyer. The meeting was organized around four agendas, including:    

1. Covid-19: implications on European business and strategic opportunities (inbound and outbound) 新冠疫情:對歐洲商(shāng)業的影響,吸引投資(zī)與對外(wài)投資(zī)的戰略機遇

Opportunity of investing in Strategic Tax Governance to enhance value across organizations,投資(zī)于戰略稅收治理(STG)以提高跨組織價值的機遇


2. Covid-19: Chinese tax policies for tackling the Covid-19 pandemic and tax service  opportunities新冠疫情的應對:中(zhōng)國的财稅政策及對稅務服務的評估


3. Global value chains - transfer pricing policies and economic downturns due to pandemic event全球價值鏈:疫情全球流行對企業轉讓定價政策的影響和經濟下(xià)行

Global Value Chains and Transfer Pricing Models – the impact of Covid and post-Covid全球價值鏈與轉讓定價模型疫情時期和後疫情時期的影響


4. Cross- border investments in the new framework框架下(xià)的跨境投資(zī)

Opportunities and Challenges挑戰與機遇

The impact of Regulatory framework (norms & regulations) and increased compliance burden - raising awareness監管框架(規範和法規)的影響以及合規成本的上升-提高意識

OECD Drive for Substance in Offshore Financial Centers- need for adequate premises, functions or people-subcontracting opportunities世界經合組織OECD對離(lí)岸金融中(zhōng)心經濟實質的驅動-對适當場所、職能或人員(yuán)的需求,人力分(fēn)包機會

EU Regulation (DAC 6)歐盟關于跨境投資(zī)安排的稅收報告義務的指令DAC 6

UK Investigations into Transfer Pricing and Diverted Profits Tax英國對轉讓定價的調查和利潤轉移稅

New UK tax on income received overseas (including China), where associated with UK sales and IP held abroad英國對在海外(wài)(包括中(zhōng)國)取得的與英國銷售和海外(wài)持有知(zhī)識産權相關的收入進行的征稅


The key speakers of this seminar include Mr. Dong Guoyun, Chairman of Hargent Tax Agency, Mr. Wu Xiaoqiang, Dean of Huazheng Research Institute, Associate Professor He Yang, Deputy Dean of the School of Finance and Taxation, Central University of Finance and Economics, and foreign representatives Mr. Peel, Gai Mr. Lee and Mr. Thomson (foreign representatives are front-line experts in international taxation and hold important positions in global taxation organizations, with professional influence on international taxation rules).

Through this international seminar, the participants have a better understanding of the impact of the new crown epidemic on the economies of various countries and cross-border investment, enhanced their understanding of China's fiscal and tax policies and their targeting and roles, and deepened their understanding of global supply chain trends and trends. It has a cutting-edge awareness of the possible impact of transfer pricing and the latest European tax policy framework in relation to cross-border investment between China and Europe.

This online international symposium, closely related to hot topics, reasonable agenda and rich in content, the participating experts carried out online interaction and achieved a complete success.

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